Family Update...
We had our one week checkup and Christian is doing well. He was 7lbs 4oz when we left the hospital and up to 8lbs 2oz a week later. He was 18.9 inches at birth and 19.7 a week later. No wonder he has been sleeping so well!
The girls have already adjusted to having him around and are a big help with diapers and holding him.
Cheddar was becoming very jealous of the time I was spending with the baby and making everyone's life here difficult so we decided to send him to a friend's farm about 45 minutes out of town. We have scheduled a visit during branding on my birthday (April 28 - presents welcome!) to see how life as a barn cat is going.
Cam has been working hard on his "War Room" and it is looking good. I will be happy when that is completed. He has also started playing hockey with a British team about once a week. He still hasn't changed one of Christian's diapers.
I'll post some new pictures soon.