GARAGE FREE!The girls and I had a fun day on Wednesday. First we met Kendra and her Mom for a fun trip to Echo Dale Park. After swimming and building sand castles we headed to McDonald's for lunch. Kendra gave me a really nice card and some Mall Money to spend! We are going to miss her for the summer. After lunch we went to visit Cam at work where the girls get suckers and then proceeded to buy a gift for Uncle Kelly's graduation from Law School! Way to go! We are all very proud of him.
It was Rob's birthday supper at Moxie's that night so we sent the girls to Gramma and Papa's for the evening. Rob was also celebrating becoming an uncle and great uncle on the same day! Our dinner took 2.5 hours from ordering to finish because the restaurant was so slow. At least we had free dessert! On the way to Rob and Melissa's, Cam noticed a huge sign that said "Garage Free." Being garage sale addicts we decided to check out the wares. What a goldmine!
We came home with the following:
- 5 games for kids and adults (ie - Monopoly Junior and Trivial Pursuit Genius Edition)
- a two man tent
- a suitcase
- 2 snow shovels
- assorted toys
- a box of china that matches the pattern I inherited from Gramma Rose Hart (what are the chances?)
- kids racquets
- 2 end tables
- a log lamp (very ugly :) )
- a cordless phone
- a carpet steam cleaner
ALL for FREE!That is all I can remember for now. Our van was loaded to the hilt!
Speaking of vans, we just purchased a 2002 Caravan yesterday. It is onyx in colour but it looks blue grey in the sun and greenish in the evening. It is really nice! I keep slamming the doors because I am not used to them closing so easily! It is fully loaded except for power sliding doors. I am really excited because I will be able to travel to Manitoba next week with the girls. That should be a fun 9 hour trip :)! I will try to post a picture later. More news to come!